Luxury Concierge
As a luxury concierge, our mission is simple: we scour the world for pre owned handbags from highly sought-after designer brands, including Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermès. We intentionally source bags in the most pristine condition, at the best price.
Sourcing Worldwide
Our extensive and diverse network of sources includes contacts in Paris and London, specialty collectors in Tokyo, and top dealers and collectors of designer handbags worldwide. With a sharp eye for the rare and unique, our buyers passionately curate iconic fashion pieces that transcend time and preserve the legacy of the world's top brands.
Promoting the Circular Economy
We are wholly dedicated to promoting the circular economy by offering timeless pieces that will serve you well for seasons to come. Curation and quality are cornerstones of our brand and we ensure every product is thoroughly checked by professional authenticators before being sold. By shopping from us, you give stunning designer handbags a new life and contribute to a greener tomorrow.
Let Me Find Your Dream Bag
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